Programming, school, and whatever else I feel like
In the week leading to Spring Break...
Published on March 17, 2006 By camomilk In Life Journals
Spring Break is next week! I am most definitely ready for it to be here. School has been demanding my time for weeks, and this past week in particular was rough. I had seven items due this week: Math homework, two computer science projects, computer science homework, two midterms, and a beta presentation for my team project. Fortunately everything is now done except for the two computer science projects due tomorrow.

It's funny how one reacts to fluctuations in workload. I've been in a hard working mode for several weeks, but after taking two midterms on Wednesday I knew that Spring Break was coming close and started going into break mode before my other projects were finished. Today I was not in a working mode at all, but managed to pull my act together long enough to get one of my programming assignments into a workable state. Tomorrow I will finish up my two projects, and then take the whole weekend to enjoy myself before starting on an assignment that I need to do over break.

I just need to stick it out one more day before Spring Break hits, and then I can relax... I'm excited.

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